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Celebrating the leap that started it all!


Reflections on the ThinkSpring Marketing journey

The launch of the Springboard blog in 2010 coincided with a huge milestone, the fifth anniversary of ThinkSpring Marketing. We celebrated with a toast to fantastic clients, colleagues, friends and supporters for their business, backing and blessings. Since then I’ve been honored with another decade of projects and collaboration.

It was August 2005 when I took a giant leap to leave my corporate marketing job. That moment eventually resulted in ThinkSpring Marketing. It was not a bold and decisive moment that launched me as an entrepreneur, but a series of small steps that evolved into something significant. And like most major endeavors, it has certainly had its moments of fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Here’s to unleashing the fearless marketers in all of us!

The same approach that launched my business—building energy and confidence by planning the small, “do-able” elements that will ultimately achieve a greater goal—is now the cornerstone of ThinkSpring Marketing.

It’s at the heart of our original tagline, “Making big ideas manageable,” and the spirit of our new one, “Think big. Spring forward.”

It’s what I set out to accomplish in my own activities and in each and every client engagement. It’s what I hope the articles here articulate.

If, like me, you are passionate about great ideas, effective process and sound strategy for B2B marketing, I invite you to join me here in conversation. Here’s to unleashing the fearless marketers in all of us!

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